Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Why can't it always be like this?

Look at that face...is there anything sweeter? Bryce has such potential to be a sweet and easy kid and the reason I know that is that he used to be that way...and sometimes still is! It has been a rough 6-8 months with him! I have a lot of people tell me it is his age but that does not make it any less frustrating! He is disobedient, defiant, and just generally difficult much of the time. After his big accomplishment of no crying on Thursday at school, today he decided to throw a screaming, wailing fit! It is frustrating because I am where I feel God wants me, at home with my babies, but now I am questioning that choice with this one. Would he be better adjusted if he had to stay with someone else? Am I doing him harm by staying with him all of the time? Even though I know it is not true these questions swirl through my head every time we have problems with him! He will be 4 in 6 days, that is so hard to believe! And I know "this too shall pass" and in 2 years when I have to send him to kindergarten I will be wishing for the days when he could be home most of the time! And then in 10 years when I send him to high school, I will wish for the time when he wanted to be with me!
This is just an example of the drama that surrounds Bryce though, last night he could not go to sleep and had to keep worrying about where he and his future wife were going to live when they got married, why couldn't they just stay here with me and Daddy? Even far off "problems" cause issues...
Just airing some frustrations...I love that kid more than anything and wouldn't trade him for 10 perfectly behaved children...he makes life interesting and challenges me everyday and is a reminder of God's grace...we are not born innocent and nobody teaches us to misbehave but God sent His Son to fix that and everyday it is a surrendering process to give God rule of my life...especially in parenting!


Patty said...

God can work on even the most difficult kids. Remember Bryce's Aunt Kiki? Oh, how I love that girl, but she was a difficult little lady sometimes. Now look at her? She's a picture of Christ and His love. She wouldn't hurt anyone and sometimes spends a lot of time worrying about that. So, hang on, sweets, he's going to be fine. Just keep praying for him--as we all do. He'll come around. God's still working on him. He will be fine.

Jennifer said...

Just a note of encouragement for you...your days sound like my days. There are days when I wonder the same thing and I wonder even more if I should be homeschooling Ben. Ben and Bryce are a whole lot alike, I think, and Ben has had the same conversation with me about where to live with his wife. Guess where he wants to live? I think that they just have incredible smarts and their emotions don't know how to keep up with their brains. Remind me of that the next time you see me frustrated with Ben. :-)