Monday, November 24, 2008

Interview with a preschooler

The other day I convince Bryce to let me interview him so, we could remember the things that he liked when he was 4 years old here is how that went...

What is your name? Well, it is really Incredible Hulk but my boy name is Bryce Greene

Age: "sor" (4)

When I grow up I grown up stuss (stuff) like take a shower

Favorite food: sticks and cheese, celery but not bananas (guess what was for lunch)

Favorite drink: uh, hello, apple juice

Favorite thing about school: stopping at the grocery store and getting things we need for dinner [this has happened once] and saying our alphabet

When I get in trouble I feel...bad, really bad

What makes you happy? You [Mommy] being nice to me and Daddy sighting (fighting) me

Favorite thing to do at home: playing and finding Mighty Mac

Best friend: Andrew [Beckett]

Favorite place to go: the store...Walmart to look at something

Kids need...shoeboxes (guess he got into Operation Christmas Child) Hey, nobody gave me a shoebox

I Indiana Jones guys and new Incredible Hulk huys

Favorite thing to do with Mommy: learning

Favorite the to do with Daddy: wrestle

Best part about Collin: sharing

Favorite book: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles books

Favorite Movie: Thomas, the one where Salty has the ocean cars with a shark and octopus and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Favorite place to eat: Bob Evans

Favorite thing to wear: Pajamas and Superheros shirt

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Child like faith!

Bryce went through a time where he was almost afraid of praying, he acted very strange and freaked out by the whole thing. After bouncing this off of our Bible study group about a year ago, we decided that it wasn't that weird to be a little freaked out about talking to someone that you cannot see (the phone was weird for him at first too). Well, he has gotten better and we are saying prayers before he goes to bed every night. He still doesn't like that he has to be quiet that long but that is a whole other problem. Well, the other night when I was putting Bryce to bed we started in our usual routine, we talk about any prayer requests that he has and then I pray right next to him. I have been lately just asking if he wants to "say the words" when it is prayer time and he usually says no but this night he said "But Mommy, I don't know what to say." The teacher and mommy in me pounced on that, great time for a lesson. I told him that he had just gotten finished telling me a story and talking to God was no different than talking to Mommy or Daddy or anyone else and he could tell Him anything. He looked at me for a minute and said "okay, what do you want to pray about, Mommy?" I told him that I wanted to tell God how thankful I was that he had been a good boy that day. He thought just a second and this is what came out...
"Uh...Jesus? Sanks (thanks) for me going to the carnsel (carnival) and mommy is sanksul (thankful) I been a good boy today, Amen."
It was so sweet and cute and a reminder to me that there is no such thing as "prayer language" and God loves to have conversations with his children.
I told Bryce that God loved children and loved to hear them pray. He then asked if God only loved kids that were big enough to walk. I told him that God loved everyone and he said "even Collin?" Worried about his brother...I guess he still has some learning to do, but don't we all?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Operation Christmas Child

Okay, I know I have a crazy son! This is what he has been wearing to bed, my t-shirt. Josh was getting him ready for bed one night and he just wanted to wear underwear and a shirt so Josh asked him, "your shirt or one of mine?" To which Bryce responded "Mommy's"! So this is what I found for him and he has been wearing it for 3 nights now.

We decided that it would be good for Bryce to do an operation Christmas child box this year since he has no concept of anyone having anything different than the way he has it. He picked out items and I let him help me pack it and we printed off and filled out the "about me" sheet from the OCC website. While we were filling that out one of the prompts is "I love Jesus because..." and I didn't even know what to expect from him when I read that but he so sweetly replied, "because he gives me a happy heart" How cute is that?! Then we continued through the sheet and when it was all done, I told him that we were going to pray for our box and for the little boy that would get our box. When we were finished praying for it Bryce asked for the little boy's name that we were sending it too and I said I didn't know he said, "call his mommy afterwhile and ask her his name."

Later we were talking about how important our box was because besides the present this little boy was going to find out about Jesus through the people who were bringing him the box. I told Bryce that not everyone had churches to go to where they could learn about Jesus. He looked at me thought just a split second and said, "well, when we get him and he comes here, he can come to our church right Mommy?" I think he is slightly confused!

I know, he has nothing to do with the story but look how cute he is! Do you like the carrots on his shoulder? Yes, he is eating baby food now and the only problem we are having is that it is not fast enough for him! I can't move my arm to get the next bite in his mouth fast enough. His first go at it he ate an entire container of sweet potatoes!

This is my new favorite picture of Collin. He is much easier to take pictures of these days than his brother. When I put Collin somewhere, he stays! He did great last week with his 4 month shots, for the first two he looked the nurse straight in the face with this look that said "is that all you got?" and even for the last one when he cried it was just until I picked him up then he grinned at the nurse! I guess when you weigh 20 pound and 14 ounces (yes, that was what he weighed) you are tougher than most babies!