Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Child like faith!

Bryce went through a time where he was almost afraid of praying, he acted very strange and freaked out by the whole thing. After bouncing this off of our Bible study group about a year ago, we decided that it wasn't that weird to be a little freaked out about talking to someone that you cannot see (the phone was weird for him at first too). Well, he has gotten better and we are saying prayers before he goes to bed every night. He still doesn't like that he has to be quiet that long but that is a whole other problem. Well, the other night when I was putting Bryce to bed we started in our usual routine, we talk about any prayer requests that he has and then I pray right next to him. I have been lately just asking if he wants to "say the words" when it is prayer time and he usually says no but this night he said "But Mommy, I don't know what to say." The teacher and mommy in me pounced on that, great time for a lesson. I told him that he had just gotten finished telling me a story and talking to God was no different than talking to Mommy or Daddy or anyone else and he could tell Him anything. He looked at me for a minute and said "okay, what do you want to pray about, Mommy?" I told him that I wanted to tell God how thankful I was that he had been a good boy that day. He thought just a second and this is what came out...
"Uh...Jesus? Sanks (thanks) for me going to the carnsel (carnival) and mommy is sanksul (thankful) I been a good boy today, Amen."
It was so sweet and cute and a reminder to me that there is no such thing as "prayer language" and God loves to have conversations with his children.
I told Bryce that God loved children and loved to hear them pray. He then asked if God only loved kids that were big enough to walk. I told him that God loved everyone and he said "even Collin?" Worried about his brother...I guess he still has some learning to do, but don't we all?

1 comment:

Patty said...

Matthew 18:1-3
At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

It's no wonder Jesus loved the little children so much, huh? He is such a special little guy. Oh, how I do love him. :)