Thursday, October 16, 2008

Just add it to the list!

I learned something today. The first day of school after the first sick day is a step backward! I left Bryce wailing at school today, not fun! He had some pooing problems for a few days and didn't go to school on Tuesday so we got all thrown off, and for a kid that is obsessed with things being the same as they were last time, not good! But we will make it over this bump too! God gives me the strength to make it through each day, and boy to I need it these days!
Josh and I have a mental list (and I have it on my Facebook profile) of things we never thought we would have to say as parents and another one to add to that came up last night. We were getting Bryce ready for bed and Josh noticed something on his neck. After a huge ordeal (I know, surely not with Bryce right?) of me holding his arms down and him screaming, the spot was removed. He looked Josh right in the face and said "Da - yee, you hurt me" and here it comes...Josh looked at him and said "if you wouldn't wipe boogers on your neck, that wouldn't happen" I got out of control laughing, seriously, would you think you would ever have to say that to anyone? Little boys!


sherry said...

Ohhhh Jayme that is funny....the things that happen as parents we could just right books huh!

Beverly said...

Yes - little boys make life interesting to say the least...but you have the cutest little fellas.


Patty said...

That boy could definitely provide enough material for a good sized book. He's a sweetheart though! Boogers and all! Little boys are so fun and some of the best comedy reliefs on earth. I love that little guy so much. Thanks for sharing his precious booger story. I want to see that wall in his room someday too. ;) Love you!