Friday, July 25, 2008

Well, here we are, 2 1/2 weeks into my life with two boys! And boy oh boy (sorry, no pun intended - I guess my father in law has rubbed off on me!) is it ever interesting! Collin was very jaundice at the beginning and had to be on a home billi blanket for 5 days, which made it almost impossible to move him, change him or snuggle him! But thankfully that went down and he was released from his "tail" at one week old. They had us trying to feed him at least every 2 hours and he enjoyed this habit so after that there was no filling him up. I was nursing him for 30-40 minutes every 2 hours and then he was never satisfied so in between feedings was taking supplement bottles. It was taking a lot of time and energy to fill him up! Big brother, Bryce did not like the fact that Mommy was "tied up" to his brother for all of this time and begged me not to let Collin "eat off me"! After 12 days of trying to keep up with this schedule, we discussed it and decided that it was not best for our family to keep this up and we put him on a bottle full time. Now, he takes 4 ounces of formula every 2-3 hours round the clock! We have settled into a pretty good routine and me and the boys have had some good times. Bryce is a great big brother and can't get over his baby brother and wants to love on him all of the time! Just this past Wednesday, we took both boys to the doctor for check ups. Collin at 2 weeks old, weighed in at 10 pounds 14.5 ounces and everything looked great! Bryce got his school physical and checked out just fine and his ready to start in about a month. We are all doing great and are adjusting great to our new family of 4! God is so good and has blessed us greatly. He brought Collin and I through delivery safely and is taking care of us everyday. He has blessed us with 2 little miracles and great boys! God has blessed me so greatly I could go on and on, He is SO GOOD!

1 comment:

Patty said...

God is SO good and Collin is so sweet. Bryce is a wonderful big brother, that's for sure. He's getting to be such a grown up boy too. You have a very special family, and I love each and every one of you. :)