Friday, June 20, 2008

The waiting game!

Well, I went to the doctor on Wednesday and had another ultrasound. Just another reconfirmation that I am carrying a large baby boy. I was not quite 36 weeks at the appointment and he was measuring to weigh 7 lb. 1oz., which means he has gained 2 pounds in the last month! In my head to compare, Maleigha, my adorable niece, weighed 7 lb 2 oz at full term!! Then to top it all off, Dr. Song checked for any progress being made and I have made absolutely none!!! With Bryce at this point I had already began the thinning process and was 75% effaced at my 36 week appointment. So, this throws another wrench in the plans! The original plans were to induce on the 7th of July, then due to some special circumstances, it was thought that maybe the 2nd would be the day of induction, which was okay with me. But when I had made no progress on my own, Dr. Song says that everything is on hold until he checks again next week. If I don't start thinning out, he cannot induce labor until I do. So, now we just play the waiting game and trust God to do what is best for me and Collin. God created Collin in His own time and plan, which were nothing like mine at the time and I learned then to wait on Him, maybe he is trying to teach me this again!!! I guess I am a slow learner! But please be in prayer for this situation. With the blood issue I have, we would really like for everything and everyone to be on board to work out for what is best for our family! God is in control and I know that it will work out to what He knows is best whether we do or not. It is just difficult waiting and not knowing!!

1 comment:

Patty said...

God certainly is in control. He's watching over Baby Collin and I'm sure that in His time, all will go well. I can hardly wait to meet that precious little, I mean big guy. He's going to be super loved by his brother and his little cousin. She's getting good at that hugging thing. I love you all and am praying for God's perfect timing in Collin's arrival.