Thursday, March 19, 2009

"Mystery Lunch"

Tuesday was a school day for Bryce and on school days, he functions best if I let him come home and watch TV for just a little while before dinner. He knows though that during dinner is family time to talk about his day at school and he has to answer questions about his day. I ask him usually the same questions, "who did you play with?", "what did you do that was fun?", "what was for snack?", and "what was for lunch?" Here is how it went on Tuesday...

Me: So, Bryce, what was for lunch today?

Bryce: Two things I did not beans [this is true] and some kind of cereal stuff

Me: Cereal for lunch? [this is not normal at school]

Bryce: Yeah, some kind of cereal with stuff on it

At this point I was very confused and couldn't stand it, I got up from the table and went to the refrigerator to the lunch menu and snickered to myself when I read the lunch for the day...

Me: Could it have been Spaghettios?

That is right, it was. No wonder he didn't want to eat it, he thought it was Cheerios with red sauce...

1 comment:

Patty said...

Poor little guy--never had Spagetti-Os! He's so funny. Someday he'll be a great eater, and like everything....yeah, right, huh? :) Love him and stories about him.