Friday, August 22, 2008

My BIG boys!

Well, the long awaited day arrived this week - Bryce's first day of preschool! On Friday night before his first day we went to open house and got to see his classroom and the school. And we got to see and talk to Miss Stacy. I think it is a comfort for Bryce to have Stacy as his teacher, he does not adjust well to strangers and since Stacy is big sister to his best buddy Andrew and younger sister to Miss Kristi, that makes her or Amy(the other choice - hey, we couldn't lose this year!) a great choice for his teacher. He seemed great after open house and even said that school looked "sun"! Then the busy weekend of the OPGA convention came and something in the motel that we stayed in triggered allergy issues (thank you Daddy!) and so on Tuesday he was exhausted and had a runny nose and a cough. But Mommy, Daddy and Collin were all there to take him to school. And all looked well when we left. He had spotted his friend Curbee and Maddi, a neice to some friends of ours he had met on Friday. We wondered and worried about him all day but knew he would be okay and I as I had told him over the weekend, God would take care of him! When we went to pick him up, Stacy said that she had one little boy that couldn't get it together and had triggered 4 other criers (that is 5 out of 8 kids) and Bryce was one of them. He told us that he cried because we were not there, so for Thursday Nana made him a little picture of our family for his pocket and we hoped this would help - with no success. It was a little sad but as I have told everyone over the last 2 days, it would be a lot sadder had he not been planning for 2 days to lose it on Thursday, it makes it harder to feel sorry for a kid that is planning his breakdowns ahead of time. Miss Stacy did say that he cried less on Thursday and we are hoping that this gets better and better and that when he is feeling better, school will be better!! Pray for all of us as Bryce continues school, that it gets easier for him and for us leaving him!!
Now, onto his little (ha ha) brother. I have laughed for weeks at the response to Collin when people ask how old he is - every person says "well, he is a big boy isn't he?" On Tuesday we got to find out just how big. Collin has had a stuffy nose for a couple of weeks but it didn't seem to be a huge deal until while we were in Newark, green goopy stuff started coming out of his eye. I called the doctor's office from there and they made him an appointment for Tuesday morning. After dropping big brother off at school, we took him to get checked out. The first thing that they did of course was weigh him. Now, I knew that he looked big but was shocked when the nurse called out 14 pounds 7.5 ounces!! Are you kidding me, my six week old is 14 1/2 pounds, no wonder he is outgrowing everything!! That was shocking to me because at 2 months old Bryce weigh 12 lb 6 oz. So, little brother is really showing him up! All I can say is I am very thankful, as fast as he is growing that he was 8 days early!!!!
God has blessed me beyond belief with these two little (ish) guys! Sometimes I start thinking about all the ways God has blessed me and it is overwhelming! If I get down about things, hey it can be exhausting being a mommy, especially being at home all day with 2 small kids, all I have to do is stop and look at my life! I have so many blessings from God, His salvation and grace being the very top of my list! My wonderful family and friends, and....well, you get it , I could go on all day!


Patty said...

I sure do love those big boys. I promise you that it will be no time before those memories of crying at pre-school will only be that--a memory. Bryce is a wonderful little man, he'll be just fine. Love you all!!

Patty said...

That picture of Bryce makes me so sad--he looks pitiful! He just reminds me so much of Bubby and kindergarten. We just all need to give him lots of love, I suppose. I know I sure do love him lots!!