Thursday, May 1, 2008

Poor little Collin!

The differences between carrying baby #1 and baby #2 have just astounded me! We are so totally blessed by God to be having this little guy and are so thrilled to see him but at the same time the obssession to have everything perfect before he arrives is just not there! With the schedule of my pregnancy the bulk of it fell in the busiest time at work for Josh so the renovation project for upstairs could not be started until he got some time. So, here I sit about 10 weeks from baby Collin's arrival in his room surrounded by stuff that does not belong in here and thinking how his big brother got up this morning out of his bed and still has clothes in his dresser and chest! Hopefully we get all of it done!
And then there is the fact that I have been through childbirth before and am starting to panic about having to do it again! I just request prayers from everyone for my peace and a safe and uneventful arrival of Collin Isaiah! (And that God will bring back to my mind how to care for a newborn, I feel clueless again!!)
Bryce is of course getting more excited and more confused everyday at Mommy's protruding belly! It is of course getting quite large and he can't help but look at it and touch it. He likes to talk about his brother growing inside, and kicking - boys, anything that may resemble violence is fascinating!! But he thinks if Collin can kick me then it may be okay to put his feet on my belly to attempt to kick him back, this plan was quickly nixed!! I worry about the little guy having to learn to share everyone and everything in his life at first, it will be a rude awakening after 3 1/2 years of being the only one!!

On a different subject, I know I call him LITTLE Collin in the title but I am not so sure how little this baby is going to be. My belly is getting huge! In the last couple of days, I have had people tell me that I am going to be HUGE by July, ask me if we are sure it is not twins and when I went to make a dentist appointment for 4 weeks from now, they were not sure they should do it for fear I would be in labor or have a new baby!!! I don't know how many times I have told people my due date and they look at me like I may be lying to them! It is frustrating but I want to think that it just means that God is growing my little guy big and strong so he is good and ready to be born 10 days early and everything will go smoothly!!


Patty said...

That's a mighty handsome baby you have lady, and that big boy is very handsome too! You certainly are blessed! Well, we all are, huh?

Jennifer said...

Don't worry Jayme, it will all come back to you once you have him. As a matter of fact, the nurses will probably drive you crazy at the hospital because now you know that mommy's instinct is ALWAYS best!